Tuesday 20 October 2015

4 Little Ways to Improve Your Marriage

Marriage is a work in progress, and just like your career, if you slack off and don't put in the time to nurture it, you're not going to get great results. The honeymoon phase may be over, but there are a few things you can do on a daily, or even weekly, basis to keep the spark alive and the love flowing between you. The best part is, none of them require some grand effort on your part.

Show him that you respect him
According to a love coach, men feel loved when they feel respected. Thus, the smallest thing you can do daily that will have the biggest impact and can even save a marriage that's falling apart is to literally show him that you respect him. For example, "Tell him you admire him for his intellect, handiwork, abilities at the office, physical prowess, the way he takes care of the you and the children or whatever it may be," she recommends. The catch is, you have to actually mean it! "Men are much more sensitive and intuitive than we give them credit for, and he will pick up on your authenticity or lack thereof."

Leave him a love letter
Or ten! They don't have to be novel length, in fact, short and sweet is better, says 'April Masini' a love expert and author. "Write a sentence or two about how awesome he is in general or refer back to a specific, recent experience," she advises. Then tuck it in his wallet or hide several little love notes around the house in places he's sure to discover them. "It's the perfect way to let him know he's appreciated, and it's also very romantic."

Buy him a gift
If the only time you ever get him a gift is on holidays or his birthday, Please you need to shop for him spontaneously. "Buy him something just because you were out and about and saw a book and thought of him or realized how much he loves grapefruits and on a whim decided to send a fruit basket to his office." Beyond telling him, this physically shows him he's important and treasured.

Say yes to the one thing you always say no to
Really, how bad can it be? For instance, if he digs action flicks and you never want to watch them, agree to a date night and let him pick the movie without any whining, watch football, basketball, wrestling games e.tc with him even if you are not a lover of such. "Do it gracefully and generously. "This is a great way to turn them around." Not to mention, he'll likely return the favor in the very near future.

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