Saturday 11 June 2016

Raise a child with good values

Healthy family tips for parents:

Prioritise courtesy

Reinforce politeness and the importance of good manners every day. This way, your kids will know how your family treats people in and outside the home. Your child will also know that being civil, respectful and courteous is expected of him or her at all times. Don’t encourage your child to speak rudely to anyone irrespective of their age.

Hello and goodbye

Long before your toddler can speak, teach him or her how to wave hello and goodbye. It’s the first step in teaching your toddler how to recognise and greet people. A great way to practise this is to say good morning to each other every day.


Obedience is something that doesn’t come naturally for anyone. It’s fun to want to break the rules and kids see it this way too. So, you must be firm and consistent. You can reward good behaviour to give your children incentive to be obedient. You also have to be patient because sometimes, it takes a while to catch on.


Children can be taught to be responsible from a young age. You don’t need to be overbearing about it. Giving your kids easy chores to do, like picking up their toys, putting away their clean laundry, or helping clear the table after a meal helps instil discipline and responsibility, two traits that will be helpful later on in life. Another way to teach responsibility is to make sure your kids brush their teeth or do their homework without being reminded.


Being humble has to do with not being proud over accomplishments and achievements. But for children, it’s more about knowing to say they are sorry for acting up or doing something they shouldn’t have done in the first place. A good parent will always teach their child to apologise when they are wrong.


Some children are naturally friendly because of their trusting nature. This is a good thing, but remember to keep a close eye on your little one and teach them the dangers of talking to strangers. Encourage friendliness and socialising when possible; this will help them, as they get older.


If you teach your children honesty from a young age, you won’t need to worry as they get older. One struggle most parents face is wondering how to deal with a child that will not tell the truth. If you start teaching honesty as a moral value right away, you will have no need to worry about it!

Minimise bad impressions

Parents need to realise that negative behaviours like anger and violence viewed on TV are easier for a child to copy than positive behaviours like kindness. Positive behaviours are more difficult to imitate because they require maturity and self-control. A few examples are all that is necessary to make a lasting impression. These examples need to be repeated often for it to register in the child’s mind. To counteract the negative influences that slip in, saturate your child’s mind with examples of positive behavior.

Watch your child

Stay connected with your child in situations that put him or her at the risk of becoming unruly. Whenever you visit other adults, keep your younger child physically close to you (or you stay close to him or her) and maintain frequent verbal and eye contact. Help your older child feel part of the action, so that he is less likely to get bored and wander into trouble.

Don’t force manners

When you remind a child to say “please,” do so as part of good speech, not as a requirement for getting what he or she wants. Don’t overdo politeness while you’re teaching it and he or she will catch the idea faster.

Correct politely

Have you ever wondered why some children are so polite? The main reason is that they were raised in an environment that expects good manners. When a child misbehaves, don’t rant, rave or overreact. Instead, keep your voice modulated, look your child straight in the eye, and put your hand on his or her shoulder while you correct politely. These gestures reflect you are correcting your little one because you care and not because you are out of control.

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