Saturday 21 October 2017

Woman goes naked to protest hours-old car that broke down - Shepherd Digest Magazine

Image result for Woman goes naked to protest hours-old car that broke down

A woman bought a new car, but her joy was short-lived, as the car broke down without warning a few hours after purchase.

In protest, she stripped naked and invaded the residence of the dealer who sold the car to her.

Bizarre footage shows the furious woman staging a naked protest outside the car dealer’s home.

The video was shot in the Brazilian state of Santa Catrina and shows the angry 29-year-old tearing down the man’s fence, the Mail has reported.

She explained to police officers that she had called the owner but he had refused to repair it.

She was arrested not long after officers arrived, who detained her under Brazil’s article 223, for public indecency.

The incident, which happened in Brazil, led to men gawking at her in lecherous manner, while recording the scene.

See the photos:The angry woman confronts a policemanShe tears down a fence belonging to the car dealer as passerby look on and record herIt is believed the woman had purchased a car from the dealer several hours earlier, but that it broke down not long after.She was arrested not long after officers arrived, who detained her under Brazil’s article 223, for public indecency.

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