Thursday 8 October 2015

Evangelist Mike Bamiloye And Wife Mark 27th Wedding Anniversary

Evangelist Mike and Gloria Bamiloye of Mount Zion Movies and Film Productions celebrated their 27th year wedding anniversary yesterday.

Mike who got married to his wife on the 8th of October 1988 at The Christian Church, Ilesha shared throwback pictures of the both of them alongside a powerful message.

Today is October 8th, 2015. Today is 27 years ago we got married at The Christian Church, Ilesha, and had our Marriage Reception at the Hall of Ilesha Grammar School. I remember one of my big Aunty who was an Anglican minister got me the Boys Brigade who beat the drums and match before the Groom’s Car as they led my wife and I to the Reception Hall after the Holy Joining. I remember, I sat in the Mercedeze Benz 230 Car with her and the car was going slowly behind the drumming and the matching Boys’ Brigade.

I remember I was two years old on Full time drama ministry as I matched to the Altar. I remember I looked ahead of me with Uncertain Certainty of the ministry that was so young. The hall was packed full of people, my people, relatives, friends, Mount Zion members and drama groups members. We were sitting on the high table and we saw people eating and drinking as the Reception was going on. My Big Sister was delighted at what God was now doing, even though she had resisted initially at my going on full-time – (the emotional concern of most of our parents when we started ministry – the thought of the future).

But now she was happy, trusting God too for the future of her Only Brother and his wife. Then, the food finished. The people were more than the food provided. We never knew all these, because we were on the High Table. But we heard later, that as our brethren were worried on where to get more food, a family member had come with big warmers of food for her and her friends and had locked them up in the boot of her car.

She called the servers to carry the warmers and meat and food flooded the hall again. People ate and ate and drank at the Wedding Ceremony of a young couple who had just gone on full time drama ministry. The food finished and the hall was flooded with food again. There will always be wine at the beginning and some couples’ wine never lasted more than two years before they ran out of wine and begin to drink diluted and watery wine in their marriage.

Some marriage never went beyond one year before they ran out of Wine of Marriage and they begin to manage their marriage.

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