Sunday 10 January 2016

Sudden deaths are not so sudden

This is a true story of a high chief. The chief had just been decorated with another chieftaincy title.
The following day in the midst of the celebration, the chief slumped and was resuscitated.

He had developed stroke, medically called cerebrovascular accident or brain attack.

The chief was said to have had an underlying medical disorder that had to do with hypertension and diabetes, which was detected during one of his medical checks.

Chief was taken to India because he was told that he would not be able to walk again after treatment if he did an operation in Nigeria. However, when the chief returned to the country, he could not walk without assistance.

He went through several physiotherapy sessions to help in improving the power in his limbs. The chief told the attending physiotherapist that he was the cause of his problems because he defaulted from the recommended medical check and follow-ups.

Also, when one of the officers of a traffic agency in the country slumped while on duty, it was reported that he must have collapsed from accumulated stress.

The witness’ account read, “The whole thing happened so fast and so shocking. By the time they took him to the hospital, he had died.

Most sudden deaths are due to heart conditions and are known as heart attacks. Medically, they are called sudden arrhythmia death or sudden cardiac death syndrome.

In response to the tragic incident, the officer was declared as a true hero, while a group of medical doctors offered free medical checks and consultations to all officials of the agency.

The leader of the medical team said the gesture was in response to the incident that led to the official.

The doctor said many Nigerians were suffering from one life-threatening ailment or the other without knowing, and that the only remedy was to always be in touch with the doctor – an expert, for medical checks.

While I commiserate with the officer’s family and many other families that were affected in year 2015, I will suggest to the readers of this piece to have a healthy lifestyle this year.

Sudden death syndrome

Sudden death syndrome describes a sudden, unexpected death of adolescents and adults, which may occur during sleep, while awake, or just after exercise.

Sudden death Syndrome events are non-traumatic, non-violent, unexpected occurrences resulting from cardiac arrest within as little as six hours of previously witnessed normal healthy person.


Many sudden deaths are due to heart conditions and are known as sudden arrhythmia death or sudden cardiac death syndrome (heart attacks).

It is a condition, which creates an abnormality in the heart, causing it to speed up/slow down to the point where it can no longer pump blood in some cases, the heart will stop completely.

It is also caused by cerebrovacular accident commonly referred to as stroke or brain attacks. This is mostly because of uncontrolled Hypertension and Diabetes.

Risk factors

Sudden death is common among those who are 40 years old and beyond; while it peaks for those who are over 60.

It affects men twice as it does women. Men are more susceptible because of activities, stress, hustling. Athletics and those involved in any sporting event are also highly susceptible.

Conditions such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases are all risk factors


Regular medical check-up is key to preventing sudden death and should be promoted. Through it, chronic diseases such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus and respiratory diseases are diagnosed.

Those who are over 40 are advised to do a six-monthly or yearly comprehensive medical screening under the supervision of their physicians.

The various profiles of kidney, heart, lung, prostrate, breast, cervical and other blood profile, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram are done under the guidance of a physician.

Unexplained or persistent symptoms like weakness, weight loss, headache, body pain, tiredness require guided medical checks. Blood pressure and blood sugar should be monitored regularly.

In conjunction with the Management of the Life Scan and Wellness healthcare, Lagos, there will be a routine medical education and checks throughout January 2016.

Participants are to indicate their participation by calling or sending text messages to 08023044890 or 08186549147.

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